Top Ten Campaign Lies



As we head for the debates and the home stretch of the 2012 elections, here’s a quick look at my top ten lies you are likely to hear most often.

1. The auto bailouts saved GM, Chrysler, and the entire auto industry.

“Chrysler” no longer exists except as a nameplate for Fiat. Whatever valuable assets they had (which weren’t many) were just sold, name included. GM is still on a path of failure and their bailout is likely to cost taxpayers $35 billion. Ford did not take one dime and is just fine. Likewise for BMW, Volvo, Hyundai, Toyota, Honda and all other auto makers who build in the U.S. A conventional bankruptcy would have accomplished the same thing, just without handing over ownership of GM to the unions while seizing the assets of private investors. Oh, wait a minute….. maybe that was the point.

2. There is an economic “recovery” under way; just a slow one.

There is $2 trillion in corporate cash sitting on the sidelines. No one is investing, no one is hiring, and no one is going to make a move with the Obamacare booby trap ready to activate in 2014 on top of the already venomous anti-business climate created by Washington.

3. The economic “crisis” inherited by President Obama was caused by a lack of regulation.

The housing collapse (and the ensuing crisis) is directly connected to liberal government policies and overregulation which forced banks to give mortgages to people who everyone knew could not pay them back. (Turning point: Bill Clinton’s Attorney General, Janet Reno, threatening banks with legal action if they did not meet “quotas”). On top of that, Democrats knew about the problems, were warned in 2004, and disregarded the warnings for political reasons. You can see that here on C-SPAN:

 4. Our massive deficit is due to George Bush’s two “unpaid for wars.”

In 2007, with both wars at their height, George Bush posted a deficit of $161 billion. This year’s deficit is nearly TEN times that! In his first 60 days, President Obama added enough debt to run both wars for seven years and ended his first year with a deficit roughly three times Bush’s worst year. Current deficits include the revenue for Obamacare but not the cost of services provided (that begins next year). The price tag for Obamacare was supposed to be roughly $800 billion. By the government’s own statistics, that price tag has more than tripled since and it hasn’t even gone into effect yet. President Obama will have added more debt in his term than all previous Presidents combined. Our deficit has little to do with funding wars.

5. The “Bush tax cuts” are a major cause of the deficit and must be undone.

First of all, they are not “tax cuts.” They have been the tax rates for nearly 10 years. When instituted in 2003, tax money coming into the government went up to record highs for the next 4 years and every single measurement of economic health went up sharply.

6. “We have created…. “x” million jobs in the last “x” months.”

Whenever you hear this take a minute and do some math. It would have taken 150,000 jobs per month every month just to keep up with population growth and college graduations. Whatever number they’re quoting will be more like drowning than “treading water.” This is also, at the very least, disingenuous in that they are telling you about only the jobs created. At the same time jobs are created, jobs are being lost. The only number that matters is the “net” total and that is a number you will not hear them or the lapdog press ever mention.

7. Raising tax rates by any amount will help address the debt.

If the President gets his way on his current proposal for “taxing the rich” the additional revenue would last a total of three or four days. If he could raise the tax rate to 100% (take it all) for everyone making over $200K it would last a few months. And then what? It’s the spending stupid.

8. It’s not fair that “the wealthy” pay tax rates of 15%.

This one is outrageous. The 15% refers to the capital gains rate which applies to investments. This money has already been taxed once either as personal or corporate income so this is the second time the same money has been taxed! It is also possible that this investment money could go down in value or be lost entirely. A good response to this one is to ask a liberal if he/she would like the same tax rate on their paycheck if it was possible they could lose it all.

9. Each and every announcement of the unemployment rate.

Whatever number you hear on the evening news is calculated with nearly 60 million unemployed not being counted. The labor force participation rate is near an all-time low. The tens of millions who have given up or stopped looking “do not count” according to the current method. When you hear 8.1% as you did at last report, know that, if we were keeping score the same way it was kept for George Bush, the rate is 11.4%.

10. Any opposition to President Obama is racially motivated.

Nonsense. There are a vast number of legitimate policy reasons why more and more Americans want this President gone…. Obamacare, the debt, sidestepping the Constitution, overregulation, a crippled economy, a shrinking dollar, weak foreign policy, demonization of success……… the list could go on. It is highly more likely that most Americans want him gone because he’s red rather than because he’s black.

And just to throw one in for good measure….

11. The attacks on Sept 11th in Libya were caused by Muslim outrage over a film trailer.

Really? How stupid do they think we are?

Apologies if I happened to miss one of your favorites. This list could’ve easily been a “Top 50.”

This Chair is Taken

After last night’s speech by Clint Eastwood at the Republican Convention in which he had a “conversation” with an empty chair representing President Obama, the President shot back with a tweet showing a picture of himself in a chair at the White House. His tweet said “This chair is taken.” This has led to speculation that his twitter account may have been hacked or that he sent the wrong picture by mistake. Here is the corrected picture of the seat he meant was “taken”:








Does anyone hear a phone ringing?









Where did everybody go?

Twenty Questions


In  today’s American Thinker there is an excellent article entitled “Debate Questions That Obama Won’t be Asked” in which the author, Daren Jonescu, comes up with three excellent questions he would like to ask the President. Just click on the link on our blogroll if you would like to read the entire article.

The takeaway quote for me was “Thinking is, to a large extent, a matter of asking questions and of pursuing answers with enthusiasm, and without fear of the truth one might discover.” This set me to thinking about how so many in today’s shallow American society have either not learned or forgotten the art of actually thinking something through. To get to the truth, whatever it may be, you must ask yourself all possible questions until you can reach a conclusion. If new information becomes available you must ask any and all new questions which are raised and repeat this process over and over and over for your entire life.

It occurred to me that, in so many ways, liberals make their arguments on emotion rather than facts or as part of a “my team vs. their team” mentality. This often leads them to a conclusion so early in the process that they never really ask many questions which need to be asked. With that in mind, I’ve come up with “starter list” of a few questions with a bent toward helping those liberals who are stuck in emotional and/or team mode. Please feel free to add, share, or discuss.

1. When government taxes individuals and businesses it takes in “X” dollars. When it spends that money back into the economy, it spends “X” minus whatever it costs for the government to run the program. By taking out more than you put back how is that a positive for the economy?

2. In the entire history of the world there has never been a “collectivist” system (socialist, communist, pick your term) which has not suffered decline and/or financial collapse. All of Europe is currently following that path before our very eyes. What makes you think those policies will work now?

3. Assume you have a card which says you are guaranteed health care “coverage” by the government. If you have to wait 10-15 weeks to see a doctor and lower your odds of survival of the most common cancers by 20% (as in Great Britain’s National Health Service) is this a “coverage” you would actually choose were you given an option?

4. If a woman is allowed to choose a gender-based abortion solely due to the fact that the child is female is this a “pro-woman” position?

5. Is there a difference between the right to have access to something (health care, contraception, a cell phone) and the right to get it for free?

6. If it is contributing to the stripping of the planet, third world starvation, and is also forcing food prices at home to astronomic levels why are we still putting corn (ethanol) in our gas tanks?

7. How, exactly, does it help create jobs to make what is already the most expensive place in the world to do business even more expensive?

8. If you were going to open a business and you had a choice to open it in a location where the tax rate was 50% or one where the rate was 20% where would you set up shop?

9. In the above example, if you had an existing business which was having its tax rate raised from 50% to 52% do you think you might relocate to the 20% location?

10. When taxes are raised on businesses who always winds up paying those dollars?

11. In the case where a woman chooses an abortion which is “botched” should doctors be legally forced to allow the now living, breathing baby to die a slow, painful “death by abandonment” in a closet somewhere?

12. Due to the unpredictable nature of the wind, wind power turbines must be installed with a fossil fuel backup which must be left running. What benefit is gained in an ecological sense?

13. If the President can publicly state that he refuses to enforce a law passed by your representatives in Congress and you agree with that action on his part what will your reaction be when this power is in the hands of a President on the opposite end of the spectrum who refuses to enforce a law you agree with?

14. In a supposed effort to provide health care for millions more people, why does Obamacare hire tens of thousands of IRS agents and drive away doctors?

15. Which is better…. Medicare and Social Security programs with some adjustments now to keep them solvent or programs which go bankrupt and disappear entirely?

16. You have your choice between two retirement programs…. A program which takes roughly $580,000 from you over your lifetime and pays you back $550,000 in benefits when you turn 65 or a program which takes the same $580,000 and pays you back a minimum of $995,000 in benefits when you turn 65. Which would you choose?

17. What is your level of economic expertise or honesty (choose one) when you claim the same $780 billion savings twice in your budget projections?

18. What is your level of competence or honesty (choose one) if you are the chief law enforcement office in the country and cannot or will not find the person(s) in your own office responsible for willfully sending guns across an international border to Mexican drug lords which resulted in the deaths of dozens, including U.S. border agents?

19. Somewhere between 50 and 80 million people are not counted in the unemployment statistics you see on TV. This includes those who have “given up” looking for a job and college students who are looking but, since they have never been “employed,” can’t be “un-employed.” Can the numbers you see be anywhere close to accurate?

20. A hypothetical President has total control of government for his first two years and control of two-thirds of the three branches for the second two years. His results include $5 trillion in new debt (more than all previous presidents combined), over 8% unemployment when he projected 5%, an economy on life-support, total paralysis in the business community, and a large transfer of power from the Congress to the Executive Branch. Should this President be re-elected?

These twenty were very easy to begin with. Many more are possible as well as needed but it’s a start.





Pro-Choice is the Only Moral Option


As of late, taking into account all the moral and practical sides of the issue, I’ve decided it is time to come around to the “pro-choice” position. Morally, it is the only option and practically works out far better as well. Therefore I have decided to make it official and declare myself “pro-choice” …. in regard to Medicare and Social Security, that is. Our future generations deserve a choice and if we don’t give it to them shame on us.

Having been involuntarily enrolled in these two programs since my first job, I have been contributing to them for almost my entire life. Hundreds of thousands of dollars which I earned were taken from my paychecks to fund these programs and were, supposedly, for my future benefit. As with many things in life, I wish I could go back and know what I know now.

I wish I could have known then that there would be no “trust fund account” with my name on it, from which I would be paid my benefits. I wish I could have known then that the money would be raided by an out-of-control federal government to fund their own appetite for spending one and a half times as much as they take in. I wish I could have known then how much better I could have done on my own and, above all, I wish I could have known then that massive federal government is always the absolute worst way to try to accomplish anything.

Medicare, as currently structured, will force me into their program, give me no choice at all as to what kind of coverage I will have, and herd me into the few remaining doctors who still actually accept new Medicare patients. Even with an exponentially growing number of users, Medicare will be providing services from a shrinking pool of quality doctors going forward due to those making the choice to quit rather than deal with Obamacare. Polling shows that a large percentage of doctors are considering quitting (one sets the percentage as high as 85%) and I personally know a couple who will be “out the door” as fast as possible should Obama get re-elected and ensure the survival of Obamacare.

Medicare’s own actuary, a current Obama employee, recently said, “It is important to note that the estimated savings shown in this memorandum for one category of Medicare provisions may be unrealistic.” According to his report, 15% of hospitals and healthcare providers will be forced out of business by the Obamacare cuts in rates of reimbursement. He further states that the Independent Payment Advisory Board (the fifteen government appointees who will decide the rules determining your medical future) will be forced to cut services by another 0.3% to contain costs (you probably haven’t heard a lot about that one). Nearly one-third of all Medicare payments for medical devices are fraudulent totalling tens of billions of dollars. And finally, without structural changes to Medicare the program will go bankrupt. Suffice it to say, Medicare could be renamed “Medisaster.” Someday soon I will have a card which says I have “coverage” but a card for a free meal isn’t all that great if all they are serving is dog food.

After paying in a lifetime of their hard-earned money are today’s seniors entitled to benefits under the “contract” they were forced into accepting? Absolutely. Whatever benefits they have built up should be paid. Unfortunately, there is a great truth which it seems few are willing to face, and even fewer seek to remedy. The “contract” we were all herded into was, and is, the mother of all bad contracts. There is only one moral and logical solution to this mess; honor the contract for those who are stuck in it but give a choice to our younger citizens to opt out. They will be better off with a choice and so will the country. 

Social Security is an even worse contract if that is possible. It is hard to believe that our generation, with the experience of living through this negative-yield, soon-to-be-bankrupt Ponzi scheme, would wish to burden our children and grandchildren with the same failed model. They could easily do much better on their own. Recently, Social Security reached a historic milestone and it was not a good one. AP recently said of the average married couple, For those who turned 65 in 2010, the amount paid was more than the amount received. Lifetime Social Security benefits come to $555,000, while taxes total $588,000.” This gap will ever widen over time. Over my lifetime, I and millions of my co-baby boomers had hundreds of thousands of dollars of our money locked up by the government at a negative yield! Not only are we not getting our money back with some kind of interest, they actually lost part of it for us! We literally would have done better putting it under the mattress.

If we had only been given one basic choice, just one, imagine where we could be. If only our contract had been just a little bit different. It is easy to calculate how much better off we would be if we were simply allowed to invest our retirement funds (our own money) in something as simple as U.S. Treasury Bills. T-bills are not complicated and are often touted as the safest investment on the planet. Since 1960 the average rate of return on T-bills has been in the neighborhood of 5%. Just assuming that half of our contributions were made half way through a fifty year career, we could have amassed enough by age 45 to guarantee $995,588 in benefits. We could have more than doubled our money on our own by retirement with a totally safe investment. Instead we actually lost money under mandatory government confiscation.

I ask you, should we pass these wonderful government plans on to our children or should we give them a choice? It’s too late to make much of a difference for those of us who have already been scammed but it’s time to fight for our kids so the government can’t do the same to them. We must leave them with more than empty promises, massive debt, third-rate health care, and diminished retirements.

Pro choice. It’s the only moral thing to do.

Large Numbers Update


Shortly after publishing the previous post another question popped into my mind:

What kind of numbers “per day” is the government wasting?

One quick answer: According to a 2010 CBS story, Medicare alone pays $60 billion per year in fraudulent claims.

That is $164,383,561 every day or $6,849,315 every hour.

Their S.O.P. is to “pay first” and then hire contractors to chase fraud. That’s just Medicare.

Look! Look Over There!!


At a recent speech, President Obama, attempting to evade responsibility for skyrocketing gas prices, said “Exxon pocketed nearly $4.7 million every hour.”

He also said, “The biggest oil companies are raking in record profits — profits that go up every time folks like these pull into a gas station.”

True enough. But what is the rest of the story?

Exxon is a MASSIVE, global company. There are 4716.2 million shares of Exxon stock out there.  That’s four BILLION, seven hundred sixteen MILLION, two hundred thousand shares. That is how many ways the ownership is divided up. If you have a pension fund at work or have mutual funds in an IRA you probably own some and don’t even know it.  Anyone who wants to buy one share today will need to part with roughly $87.

What do you get for your $87? You become a part owner in Exxon with an opportunity to share in their good fortune should the company do well (ya’ know, make those “evil” profits) and the risk of losing your money should they do poorly. You also get $.65 (a dividend) every three months. That’s right; sixty-five cents. Do you think that if you put $87 in the bank you might get roughly the same?

But, but, but….. they make so much money!  Do they really?

Their last quarterly report showed that each of their shares earned $5.22. That’s 6%.

You can verify here:

If your kid had a lemonade stand and invested $20 would you think it was an “outrageous profit” on the $20 if he made $1.20 over three months? That’s 6% too.

When the “Divider-in-Chief” speaks of “record profits” and numbers like “$4.7 million per hour” he is trying to make it appear that this is somehow “unfair” when in reality it is ultimately fair. Each stockholder takes a risk for which he is rewarded with roughly a 6% profit (providing the company is well run) and his small dividend. It just so happens that there are more than 4.7 BILLION shares out there. Of course the numbers are large.

I have just one question Mr. President…… If Exxon is pocketing $4.7 million every hour while making $.06 per gallon how much is the government pocketing when they get their $.46 per gallon in taxes? (If you don’t feel like running the numbers, here’s a hint… it’s north of $36 million per hour).

How Dare You Speak to Women That Way! I Have Daughters Sir!


A very prominent, very wealthy entertainer recently insulted women all across the country using terms not totally printable here. In describing a serious, politically active woman, he described her as a c***. On another occasion he described her as a “dumb tw**. When asked later if he had any regrets about what he had said he replied, “I’m not trying to hurt somebody’s feelings. But if you want me to say ‘I’m sorry, what I said was wrong,’ no, sorry, I can’t go there.”

He has since referred to the same woman along with another woman as MILFs (for those of you who may not be familiar with the term, just Google it).

This behavior should be condemned. President Obama was right when he said he wants a world in which his daughters can speak out without being attacked. He should call this woman and offer his support. The networks should be outraged! Advertisers should drop this guy like a hot potato! Damn those “woman hating conservatives!” Something has to be done.

What was the reaction in this case? Not what you might expect. A CNN evening show host shortly thereafter welcomed this entertainer with, “Your show is brilliant. I love watching it.” On MSNBC, “always great to have you on.” On a different MSNBC show, “It is nice to see you….I’m very excited….Thank you so much for being on with us…. It’s really nice to see you. Thank you.” Back to CNN…“I love your show. I watch you every week, and I really get irritated when they put you on hiatus.” And on Chris Matthews show,“You’re the funniest, smartest guy around….Thank you for coming on.” Were there any outraged advertisers? Nope, not a one.

Well, President Obama must have given these women a call to express his support for women’s right to be heard, yes? Well, in a word, no.

By now you may have guessed that this “entertainer” is not the conservative woman-hater you may have originally thought. He is Bill Maher; as left as they come. The women he insulted were Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann. Apparently, it’s OK to insult conservative women. No apology. No network outrage. No controversy.

It also turns out that Mr. Maher has donated $1 million to the Obama election campaign. Is President Obama going to keep $1 million given to him by a man who has referred to serious-minded political women as c***s, tw**s, and MILF’s and, if he is, how does he square that with his actions in the Sandra Fluke controversy? Did Sarah Palin get a phone call? Michelle Bachmann?

And this is not an isolated incident. Ed Schultz, on MSNBC called Laura Ingraham a “talk slut.” He is still working there and, predictably, one of the advertisers who saw fit to leave Rush Limbaugh’s show over the Fluke incident saw no such need to leave the Ed Schultz show. Still there.

In a very cool side note, Carbonite (the advertiser in question) saw their stock slide a mind-boggling 12% the day after they announced they were leaving Rush’s show and word came out that they were major liberal contributors. If you are currently using their service and are seeking an alternative I would like to recommend Sugarsynch.

Further incidents include Michelle Malkin being called “a mashed up bag of meat with lipstick,” Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison being called a “female impersonator,” and conservative commentator S.E. Cupp being referred to as “a perfect demonstration of the necessity of the work Planned Parenthood does.” Did you happen to hear any outrage about any of these insults to women? I bet not.

On a personal note, my own wife was insulted by an ex-friend when she expressed her opposition to Obamacare during the so-called “debate” on that issue. She was called a “bigot, racist, tea-bagger” among other things by a fairly senior staffer for Senator Dick Durbin. And make no mistake, “tea-bagger” is a sexually loaded insult (again, Google it if you’re not familiar). Perhaps Senator Durbin will be calling my wife soon to express his support for my wife’s right to speak without being attacked. I don’t think she will be holding her breath.

You shouldn’t worry about your daughters, President Obama. They have the protection of the Presidency and the Ministry of Truth “press” should they be attacked for speaking their views.

Unfortunately, my wife, my daughter, my granddaughter, and any woman reasonably attached to the word “conservative” do not.



A Guide to Cheap Sex



During her testimony before Congress in which she wailed that she could not afford her contraception, Sandra Fluke said “Without insurance coverage, contraception, as you know, can cost a woman over $3,000 during law school.”  Three thousand dollars for three years.

As a public service to Ms. Fluke and all other women attending Georgetown University, this author would like to pass along a bit of information which should help you enjoy the sex life you are entitled to and have some significant money left over to help boost the collapsing Obamaconomy.

Get out a pen and paper your I-Pad and jot this down…..


Birth control prescriptions are available at Wal-Mart for $9/month and have been since 2007. Your nearest store is:

Alexandria Wal-Mart Store #5753

At this store
  • Pharmacy
6303 Richmond Hwy
Alexandria, VA 22306
Phone: (703) 253-9901
Oh, I understand. Wal-Mart is so “uncool.” Well how about your nearest Target store with a pharmacy? They decided to match Wal-Mart’s deal back in 2007. Your nearest store including a pharmacy:
Columbia Heights Target
3100 14th St NW
Washington, DC 20010
Details(202) 777-3773
Running a few calculations, it seems that this information could help lower your costs from the $3000 you spoke of to $324 for your three-year stint at Georgetown. I mean, after all, $9 a month? I’d be willing to bet you spend more than that on coffee in a couple of days. That’s quite reasonable!
You’re quite welcome Ms. Fluke. We conservatives always like to help out where we can. We really do like women and are quite pleased that very reasonably priced contraception is so easily available for you should you need it.

Can You Believe It’s Been Twenty Years?


Official NBC/ABC/CBS/CNN/MSNBC U.S. Approved News Dissemination Agency 

Washington D.C.  –  March 2, 2032

It’s hard to believe that it has been twenty years since Sandra Fluke broke down the stone-age barriers thrown up to prevent students obtaining free contraception but time flies when you’re… uh… having fun. Senator Fluke has now moved on to more serious issues (currently sponsoring a bill to provide free I-pads to those who have been out of work for more than five years) but we thought it would be appropriate to take a look back at the last twenty years and the other trailblazers who have testified before Congress regarding the cost of other voluntary activities on campus:

2014 – I.M. Bauzin complained before Congress that the cost to keep him in Starbucks coffee continued to rise and his job at the windmill would not let him keep pace. With coffee being such an essential part of the college study experience as well as being necessary mornings after binge parties Congress agreed and, as you know, all students now receive unlimited free coffee.

2015 – Ralph Keggar made history by citing Ms. Fluke’s precedent in his testimony before Congress stating that “Sex is a prevalent voluntary activity on campuses across the country. The only activity which might be more common is drinking beer. If the cost of sex is covered why not cover the cost of beer?” Congress agreed and, as you know, all college students now receive unlimited free beer.

2019 – Jack Schtrapp made the unique claim of discrimination against athletes when he testified that, as an avid intramural basketball player, he went through 4-5 pairs of basketball shoes per year. We all remember when he said “If our now Senator from California could receive free contraception based on a cost of $3000 over her time at school I am entitled to the same amount for my chosen activity.” President Obama, acting like he wanted to continue to reign for a fourth term, responded by ordering Nike (still in business at the time) to provide free sneakers to all college students.

2022 – In probably the most significant testimony other than Ms. Fluke’s, Destiny Bacchanalia said, “Like, what good is the contraception and beer coverage if one of the major reasons to have it is, like, out of my reach financially? Like, my average costs for spring break would be totally more than $3000 for my six years at school. I could, like, go through that in, like, one year! Like, what about fairness?” Congress agreed and all students enrolled since 2023 have had mandatory spring break coverage.

2025 – In his testimony, Obama Bott (yes, he was named after our amazing, visionary leader) said “I have had great difficulty just making it to and from school at the beginning and end of the semesters. I can’t take the Nissan Leaf; at 40 miles per charge it would take three weeks. Our Chevy Volt caught fire so I can’t take that. Unfortunately, my only alternative is to take the gasoline engine car. I would never ever want to use anything coming from those evil oil companies but I have no choice and with gas getting near $19.00 a gallon I just can’t see how I’m going to make this work” (Yes, believe it or not, gas was only $19.00 a gallon just seven short years ago). In his first year using his current title of “Great Leader,” Barack Obama ordered Exxon/Mobil to provide free fuel to all college students for beginning and end of semster travel. Remember Exxon/Mobil?

2031 – Finally, just last year, Puff Marx 2 testified before Congress and convinced them that all students should just have a “voluntary activities expense account.” In his testimony he said, “Why keep having all these hearings about college students needing free this or that? The precedent is now set in stone going all the way back to Sandra Fluke. Why don’t you save the cost of all these hearings. After all, we are now $137 trillion in debt. Just reimburse all voluntary activities of college students.” Congress agreed and, as you know, passed the Voluntary Dollars Act of 2031. Students just submit an annual expense report of their “voluntary activities to Government Accounting and it’s all paid for. Every student in America now has access to VD.

Can you believe how far we have come in such a short time? Thank you Sandra Fluke.

This Was No Fluke


The raging controversy these days seems to be the Sandra Fluke testimony before Congress in which she stated that she simply cannot afford the contraception necessary for her to have the proper amount of sex. She doesn’t just want it to be easily available (and it is). She wants if for free and thinks the American taxpayer should pay for it. Rush Limbaugh once again tweaked the nose of the government media by linking Ms. Fluke to the definition of a “prostitute” (sex for compensation), they jumped at the bait, and the media frenzy switch is now in the “on” position. There are calls and petitions to have Rush removed from the air, leftists everywhere are knocking each other down to get to a microphone, and even President Obama jumped into the fray by calling Ms. Fluke personally.

Let’s just step back for a moment and look at what is really happening here. First of all who is Ms. Fluke? The mainstream media would have you believe that she is the traditional “twenty-something” struggling law student, scratching and clawing her way through school, and getting by on the few meager dollars she can scrape together waiting tables while on summer vacation. Ms. Fluke is actually 30 years old. She is a grown woman. She chose to go back to law school at the age of 30. Not unheard of, but a little unusual. Why, you ask? More on that later, but suffice it to say she is not your typical college student. She is also out of step with most of her classmates at Georgetown.

One of her classmates, Angela Morabito said ” Sandra, we might be on the same campus, but we are not on the same planet.

Sandra told some sob stories about how contraception isn’t covered by the Jesuit institution we attend. (Maybe they don’t cover it because, you know, they’re a Jesuit institution. Religious freedom? Anyone? Bueller?)

A student group called Plan A H*yas for Choice staged a demonstration against the university health plan last year, duct taping their mouths and chaining themselves to the statue of Georgetown’s founder on the university’s front lawn. Then, a funny thing happened – nothing. We left them there. Now Sandra has chained herself to the sinking ship of Pelosi Liberalism. She will always be remembered as a Welfare Condom Queen.”

There are a few other facts about Ms. Fluke you will not see or hear in any of the “Obama re-election media” even though all of this is easily available at Georgetown Law’s website.” She received her undergraduate degree from Cornell University in Policy Analysis & Management, as well as Feminist, Gender, & Sexuality Studies in 2003.  What would that qualify Ms. Fluke to do? Seems to me the logical career choice with this background is political activist.  And so it is.

Also from the Georgetown Law website: “Through Georgetown’s clinic programs, Sandra has proposed legislation based on fact-finding in Kenya (interesting connection there) regarding child trafficking for domestic work, and has represented victims of domestic violence in protection order cases. Sandra is the Development Editor of the Journal of Gender and the Law, and served as the President of Law Students for Reproductive Justice, and the Vice President of the Women’s Legal Alliance.” To sum up, Ms. Fluke has a long history of political activism on behalf of traditional leftist causes.

And here’s a fact you will NEVER see or hear in the mainstream media. In one her first interviews Ms. Fluke is quoted as talking about how she reviewed Georgetown’s insurance policy prior to committing to attend and, seeing that it didn’t cover contraceptive services, she decided to attend with the express purpose of battling this policy. She is attending Georgetown for the very purpose of creating the controversy we are now witnessing.

This entire event was staged. She was asked to testify by Democrat members of Congress only. There were only Democrat members present during her testimony. Even the Huffington Post got it right by posting this: ”Fluke got the stage all to herself and was hailed as a hero by the crowd and Democratic lawmakers on the panel, all of whom rushed to appear on camera with her at the end. “Excuse me. I’d love to get a picture with our star,” Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) said as she pushed her way through the packed room to Fluke.”

What is the purpose of the Democrats staging this event now? Simple. Obama is in trouble if the country focuses on his record and the condition of the country. He and his propaganda press are trying to distract you from the crushing debt, the disaster of Obamacare, and the bleak future you will face should his destructive policies continue. Enter Susan Fluke and the phony contraception issue. Distraction.

If Rush Limbaugh was not engaged in satire and actually meant Ms. Fluke was a prostitute he would have been over the line. She is, however, a “prostitute” in a different sense. She is prostituting herself to the liberal cause. She is standing in front of the entire country making a complete fool of herself for future gain. She’s a 30 year old grown woman who is paying $23,000 a year in tuition and can’t afford contraception? She can’t figure out that Planned Parenthood (of which she is most likely a supporter) is giving out contraception on every street corner? Kids in 6th grade are being given free condoms and as a 30 year old law student she can’t find one?

What future gain might Ms. Fluke reap for her little stage show? You can bet there will be a political appointment in her future. Maybe even a book. Play ball with the Politburo and you will be rewarded. If you’re just an average Joe on the other hand you should have to pay for sex (someone else’s that is).

As the controversy swirls, remember this was all staged. This was no Fluke.