Having marginally followed the impeachment circus going on in Washington these days and hearing some arguments, I wondered about several things. Here’s just a few questions I’d like answered:
Is anything going to be ruled inadmissible during this trial?
If the Democrats are now claiming certain documents and witnesses are “indispensable” and must be subpoenaed to ensure a fair trial why didn’t they issue the subpoenas during their inquiry to solidify their case?
If witnesses are the key to a fair trial why was the President denied his during the House hearings?
In a fair trial would the defendant be denied any representation during closed door depositions, as happened during the House hearings?
If this president and executive branch is “obstructing Congress” by claiming executive privilege will every future president be subject to impeachment for making the same claim?
If claiming executive privilege becomes an impeachable offense what will this do the ability of future presidential advisers to offer honest, candid advice and options?
Whether or not the President is convicted, will this chain of events affect the balance of power between the legislative and executive branches created in the Constitution?
If the entity being offered the “quid pro quo” (in this case the Ukraine) doesn’t know it’s happening at the time, takes no action, and later says there was “no pressure” what exactly happened?
Does becoming a candidate in a primary to run for office make one immune from investigation into wrongdoing?
Does foreign policy emanate from career State Department officials or from the President?
If it is a Constitution shaking event for a president to do what is alleged here why on earth would the Democrats ask us to elect a person who bragged on television about doing that very same thing?